William Crozier : Landscapes

13 October - 4 November 2017

Upon establishing a studio near Roaring Water Bay, Cork in 1983 the Irish landscape became a prominent theme in William Crozier's work. In Landscapes, views of West Cork islands, inlets, fields and woods are accompanied by paintings of his garden and the fertile farmland surrounding his home in the Hampshire countryside.

The vibrant contrasting colours and startling energy of his work lies in direct opposition to the traditional romanticised idyll of a muted, green Northern European landscape. Instead Crozier described it with acid yellows, glowering pinks and electric blues, exuberantly disregarding traditional perspective to produce bold compositions that vibrate with a taut, barely-contained energy. This contrast in his work, influenced by the colouration of the European Expressionists and the individualist theories of post-war Existentialism, is the defining characteristic of his unique and enduring artistic voice.